What to Consider Before Restoring a Classic Car
Do you love the look of classic cars? Have you considered restoring one yourself? Here are some questions to ask yourself before you get started.
What’s my skill level?
Consider what level of repairs and restoration you’re comfortable with. Are you willing to tackle projects that involve welding? Spraying? Is this a fully DIY job, or will you need to bring in a professional for certain stages of the restoration?
What tools will I need?
Beyond the basics, make a list of any specialty tools you might need to complete your car restoration. Test your tools beforehand to make sure you won’t need to make any costly replacements.
Do I have enough space to restore my classic car?
Is there a garage you can use from start to finish, or are you restoring your vehicle in the driveway? What will you do in case of bad weather?

Can I dedicate the time needed?
Some restorations can take years to finish. Before you take on a huge car restoration project, ask yourself if you’ll stay interested enough to finish. You don’t want to quit halfway through and have an unfinished car sitting in your garage.
What’s my budget?
How much can you reasonably spend on your classic car restoration? Full internal and external jobs can be costly, especially if you need to hire a professional.
Before You Start Restoring Your Classic Car:
- Before you dismantle anything, take photos so you have a reference for later. Some restorations can take weeks, months, or even years to complete, and it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to trying to remember how everything fits together.
- Look for areas of corrosion throughout. Time and disuse can cause fluids to leak and moisture to set in, which can lead to rust.
Drain away any remaining fluids and replace them when you’ve finished your restoration. - Check the hoses, which can harden and crack over time, and replace any that are damaged.
- Check the battery to determine whether it needs to be replaced.
- Looks for signs of mold or mildew, especially on the upholstery.

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